Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Choosing to Walk by Faith

God has promised to direct our paths. He has promised that our path will be straight. He has promised that the way of the righteous is smooth. I believe His promises. But...
Most of the time, I think my path more closely resembles the path of my creek - with branches blocking the way, somewhat muddy, twisting and turning, always changing.
I want to see the path. I want to know where I am going - and when. Often I envy those who have it all figured out. I thought I did once.
Now I am choosing to walk by faith, not by sight. It is not always fun. It is not always easy. It is often very scary. But it is an adventure.
Will you come walk with me? Will you grapple with the hard things with me?
Meet me here in the mornings. I will be walking the straight crooked path.


  1. This looks like a great project Jacki. Looking forward to reading.

  2. I am walking a similar path with Jesus, and finding the path also has great views and then sudden drops in the path!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. God keeps telling me to be still and know that He is God. I find it very hard to still my thoughts.
    love, Phyllis
