Thursday, September 18, 2014

An artist-me?


This morning I set a timer for five minutes and practiced being still before God, and that five minutes changed the direction of this morning’s blog.
 I found myself in the creation story, meditating on the first name God gives Himself – Elohim – Mighty Creator. Elohim is plural, one being, but more than one person. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
 As I read the creation account, I didn’t focus on the effect of God’s actions, but rather on Elohim’s actions, and I imagined the creative dynamic going on within Himself.
As I read, I substituted the words Mighty Creator for the word God, and before long, I had a beautiful, heart-racing notion of God. There He was, the artist at the canvass, the sculptor with his clay, the inventor in His lab. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit joyfully collaborating in creation, excited about what they were calling into being.
The Father imagines each day’s creative action, He speaks it. The Son makes it happen. They sit back and evaluate and admire their work and the Holy Spirit says, “It is good.” I imagine them laughing, playing, joking with each other as they create. I can feel the love they have for each other and for the world they are creating.
 As I read, I began to substitute the phrase “MY mighty creator” for the word God, and I became more excited still. The image grew. Elohim was on a roll. Each evening He would say, “What shall we do today. I can hardly wait to get started. This is going to be great.”
 Oh, and then the glory of it! Elohim says “Let us make man in our own image…So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Gen 1:26-27
He is Elohim – mighty creator – and He has made us in His image. I am an artist. You are an artist. We have the power to create, the power to imagine what is not and make it so.
What will I create today? What will I see with my mind’s eye that I will work on so that at the end of the day I can say, “It is good”?
Wandering with Elohim today along the straight crooked path.

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